-Herbert Spencer-
we strive to make education the most important strategic axis of social responsibility models.
We do this, collectively articulating a range of educative programs, appropriated to the challenges of each territory, providing to the communities of significant learning experiences that contribute to their sustainable development.
The Educarse Foundation collectively articulating a range of educative programs, from the multidisciplinary work of over 40 professionals of great social commitment and leadership, all of them with a solid background, specialization and experience working together with the communities. The educarse Foundation’s work team is made up by professionals from 37 different disciplines, all of them linked to local development from education, witch that act in a coordinated and integrated way to build significant learning experiences that contribute to the sustainable development of the communities, among which are: Gender equality, Inclusion and social innovation, Biodiversity and conservation, Environment and waste, Family welfare and health, Health and education for the elderly, Communications and social development, Social neuroscience, Development non-profit entities, Local organizational development and sustainable territorial, Diffusion and local promotion, Pre-school education, School education and technologies, Education and physical disability, Continuing education, Education in community health, Education and teaching management, Educational platforms, Teaching methodology, Production of educational texts, Architecture and educational spaces , Physical activity and health, Sports and recreation, Microenterprise, Entrepreneurship, Administration and finance.
Proposal Value
In Educarse Foundation, we believe that social transformation starts with the participation and active collaboration of all actors of the communities, forming and promoting its own models of sustainability for the integral development of the territory. For this, it is essential to generate more and better skills in people, which allow facing social, economic, and environmental challenges.
Likewise, the EDUCARSE Foundation recognizes that today the education is the most important strategic axis in social responsibility global model. From this, the companies demonstrate their commitment to generate local capacities and long-term benefits with their neighboring communities.
This is the way that the value proposal of the EDUCARSE Foundation was born, which develops and strengthens the social responsibility plans of companies through education, articulating a wide variety of educational programs, relevant to the challenges of each territory, offering communities significant learning experiences that contribute to their sustainable development.
Educative Programs
Educarse Foundation Educational Programs are born from the public policies of the Ministries of Education, Environment, Agriculture, Social Development, Energy, and Economy. They are adjusted to the different local contexts and implemented to respond to the challenges of the community. The programs have a solid conceptual design, are in constant improvement and their impacts have been observed and evaluated in other communities. The wide range of the offer makes it possible to contribute large part of the Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the United Nations and focuses its impact on the main organizations of the social structure of the community.
Return over the Social Investment
The development of each educational program is carried out considering three consecutive stages. The first of it, is responsible for adjusting the program to the local context, determining the amount of social investment and articulating a collaborative strategy with other public and private actors. The second one stage, deals with the implementation of the program in the locality, based on the collaborative and multidisciplinary work of the Foundation team with its strategic partners and the community itself. Finally, the Foundation is responsible for reporting the process, results, and impacts, according to the standards required by each Company.
During the development of these stages, the Foundation adds value to the development of educational programs, combining a variety of topics with collaborative design and implementation strategies, traceability in their processes, good practices, and reporting standards.
Our educational programs are designed to respond to the challenges of children, youth and adults in the community; among others.
Infant, Educator, Teachers, Students, Directors, Schools, Members of social organizations, People in Disability Situation, Woman, Management Team Municipalities, management Team of APR (Rural drinking water), local enterprising, micro enterprising, local supplier.
In addition, Educarse Foundation, strengthens the capacities of the CSR management teams of the companies, based on programs associated with the design of strategies and comprehensive programs of community relations and social investment, based on education.
The complete offer of educational programs for the community, you can find it by going to www.educarse.cl